Online Rentals For On Campus

1. Each occupant over the age of 18 must complete an application and submit it to Anita. There is a $35.00 non-refundable application fee. Complete an: Online Application Form and Information Release Form.

2. Applications are usually processed within two working days. If your application is approved, we will ask you to come in and sign your lease agreement within 48 hours. First and last month’s rent are due at this time. Please plan on spending an hour with me to review and sign your lease. The security deposit is due the first day of the lease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our security deposit is a combined security for non-payment of rent and security for cleaning or damages. If all of the rent has been paid and your unit is left clean, empty of all items not part of the unit, and with no damages except normal wear and tear, then all of the security deposit will be returned.

We do not take deposits to hold a unit. When the application and references are checked, you will be offered a lease. You must come in and sign the lease within 48 hours of the offer or we will pursue other renters.

Our standard lease period is 12 months. We try to have all our leases start on June 1, July 1, or August 1, and have them end on May 29, June 29, or July 30. We would consider a 10 month lease, but the rent per month will be higher ( basically 12 months of rent over a 10 month period).

All of our leases are for the whole unit, we do not rent out individual rooms. Each person is responsible for the rent seperately and jointly, which means that the whole amount of rent is due each month, no matter how many people are living there. This is to encourage all roommates to pay, and for those staying on to find a replacement for the ones who leave. Replacement renters must fill out an application , be approved, and sign on the lease.

All of our leases are for the whole unit, we do not rent out individual rooms. Each person is responsible for the rent seperately and jointly, which means that the whole amount of rent is due each month, no matter how many people are living there. This is to encourage all roommates to pay, and for those staying on to find a replacement for the ones who leave.Replacement renters must fill out an application , be approved, and sign on the lease.

We pay water, sewer, and garbage at all our locations. Lawns are mowed for the tenants throughout the growing season.

We do not rent any of the units as furnished. There are several local businesses that sell used furniture, several new furniture stores, and numerous Garage Sales in August and September.

Each person signed onto the lease should send their own rent check each month. That is the best way to have a record of payment, should there be a dispute later. If your roommate owes you money, and so he pays part of your rent, I will think that your roommate paid more and you paid less.

We prefer to have one adult for each bedroom.We find that the tennants are more comfortable, and the wear and tear on the house is more reasonable, when each tennant has their own room. Our rents are based on one adult per bedroom, and anything different would need clearance from us, the Landlords and owners.

You can estimate your heat and electric costs by calling Avista at 1-800-227-9187. Once you are able to get to a customer service representative, give them the address, including apartment number of your unit and they will give you the high, low and average monthly bill for the last year.