This attractive and very clean three bedroom duplex exists in a quiet, family neighborhood adjacent to the new recreation center and close to Beasley Coliseum. It is a short 5 minute walk to campus and overlooks the Valley Road playfields. It has a large backyard, moderate front yard with a fireplace in each unit.
Air Conditioner: No
Bathrooms: 1
Bedrooms: 3
Heat: GFA and EBB
Sq. Ft.: 1,176
Rental Includes
Water/Sewer: No
Garbage: No
Gas/Electric: No
Lawn Mowing: Yes
Deck/Patio/Yard: Yes
W/D: Yes
Dishwasher: Yes
Parking: Yes
Bus Route: Yes
Distance to Campus: 4 Blocks
Pets: Yes
Type: Cats only